# 1.0.0 Initial release with full IEEE 1278.1-2012 compliance * Feature #1: need to add an application specific data factory for the signal PDU * Defect #2: do something about cl 'optimizing' out inline singleton registration voodoo * Defect #3: custom PDU factory test fails with optimizations on under GCC 4.4.5 * Feature #4: add c++11 move semantics where applicable * Feature #5: convert enums to strongly typed c++11 enums * Feature #6: add C++11 override specifier where appropriate * Feature #7: replace NULL with nullptr * Feature #8: more convenient way to access entity appearance is needed * Feature #9: add the test name to the test output status line * Feature #10: support dead reckoning of articulated parts * Feature #12: add logic to handle receipt of stop/freeze and start/resume PDUs * Defect #13: don't crash when inflating a datum specification with unknown datum records * Feature #14: add an entity event test * Defect #15: stop using boost::shared_ptr in pdu::Disseminator::Receiver * Defect #16: remove dependency on boost::factory * Defect #17: add sanity checks to IPPacketDecoder * Defect #18: replace boost/random usage with standard C++11 * Defect #19: delete uint24_t * Feature #20: add inflator test cases to io action and io report unit tests * Defect #21: fix relative timestamp based dead reckoning * Feature #22: restore boost::optional support * Defect #23: default BitField assignment operator doesn't do what one might expect